School Hours and Term Dates

School Hours

8:30 am Students allowed in classrooms to prepare for the day
9:00 am Learning block 1
11:00 am Morning tea eating
11:10 am Morning tea play
11:30 am Learning block 2
1:00 pm Lunch eating
1:10 pm Lunch play
1:50 pm Learning block 3
3:00 pm School closes

2025 Term Dates


Term 1

Friday 7th February - Friday 11th April

Teacher Only Day (school closed): Monday 10th March

Term 2

Monday 28th April - Friday 27th June

Public Holidays (school closed):

King's Birthday - Monday 2nd June

Matariki - Friday 20th June

Term 3 Monday 14th July - Friday 19th September
Term 4

Monday 6th October - Friday 19th December

Public Holidays (school closed):

Labour Day - Monday 27th October

2026 Term Dates

Term 1 Monday 9th February - Thursday 2nd April
Term 2 Monday 20th April - Friday 3rd July
Term 3 Monday 20th July - Friday 25th September
Term 4 Monday 12th October - Friday 18th December