Newsletter 10th March 2025
From the Principal
A warm welcome to our new families. It was great to see a great turnout for our school picnic. We value our strong partnership as we work together to get the best outcomes for your child
Attendance and lateness remains our focus - Why is Attendance Important?
Attendance continues to be a big issue and we are working with the Government to improve across the Education Sector
Research shows that regular attendance has a big impact; the more often children attend school, the better they do at school; the happier they are; and the better they are set up for life.
It all adds up. If a child misses one week of school each term they will have missed a whole year of schooling by the time they are 16.
Here are some ideas from the Education Review Office to support your child’s attendance.
We found that what you do can have a big impact on your child’s attendance.
- Parents who are comfortable with their child missing a week or more of school per term are more than twice as likely to have a child who doesn’t regularly attend school. It is never too early to start.
- When children miss some school early on, it can lead to missing more later on too.
- When your child is at primary school, your input is even more important. You can help set up good habits that will last for the whole time they are at school.
Below are some things that you can do which help.
- It is your responsibility to get your child to school – if transport is hard for you, talk to your school. There may be support available in your area.
- Talk to your child about how school is important for their future, and how it is important to go every day. Be positive about school!
- Make sure your child knows that you care if they are going to school.
- Only take your child out of school when there is a good reason,eg. If they are sick.
- Have a consistent morning routine, not too rushed.
- Help your child prepare for school, like making sure they have done their homework the night before.
Attendance: Getting Back to School. A guide for parents and whānau. (Education Review Office)
Access to School Grounds After Hours
Over the years we had some issues with older students after hours who are not from our school. The issues are around inappropriate music, bad language and general attitude.
There is a misinformed belief that schools are public property therefore anyone can access them anytime, this is incorrect as schools are deemed private property and come under the bylaws of the School Board of Trustees.
If you see any inappropriate behavior please inform us straight away. Only older students who have siblings at this school may enter in order to pick up their brother or sister as long as they respect our school, staff, students and community.
Clearway Signs on Udys Road Reminder
Some of you may recall before we had the clearway signs on Udys Road that the traffic came to a gridlock. The clearway between 8.30 am and 9.30 am and 2.30 pm until 3.30 pm has been very successful. This helped with not only traffic flow but also the safety of all students and families.
Just a reminder that parking on the curb in these areas is unsafe and illegal. The council does issue parking tickets regularly.
Please Use the Road Crossings
Children look to adults as their role models. If they see you walking across random places they will do the same when you are not around and potentially be badly injured or killed. Take two minutes longer and be a great role model. It is also respecting the children and staff who give up their time to ensure the crossings are safe. Thank you to everyone who use the crossing everyday.
Swimming Lessons
We are very fortunate to have access to free swimming lessons and transport to the pools. The children are in ability groups and each group benefits from having their own swim coach. It is important all children learn the basics of surviving in and on water especially since NZ is an island surrounded by water.
Student Leaders Trip
Our student leaders will be travelling by plane to Wellington for one day later this term. This trip is designed to give House Captains an opportunity to see leadership in action and develop an understanding of how groups of people work together to lead effectively. In the lead up to the trip, House Captains will learn how Parliament works, including the process for new laws.
During the tour the students will visit:
- The House of Representatives (debating chamber)
- The Legislative Council Chamber
- A select committee room
- The Theatrette (Press conference room)
- The Parliamentary Library
- Te Papa Museum and a ride on the Cable Car
The students will also get to meet a Member of Parliament. An exciting opportunity for our student leaders.
Royal New Zealand Ballet
Next week the Royal New Zealand Ballet will be visiting to provide a taster lesson to approximately 30 senior school students. We hope to see them return later in the year for a longer series of lessons leading into a performance.
Term Events to come
16th March Rotary Fun Run
17th-18th March Middles/Seniors Swimming
21st March Book Day
24th-25th March Middles/Seniors Swimming
27th March New Parent Meeting
28th March Middle School Zoo Trip
31st March/1st Apr Middles/Seniors Swimming
Fintan, Sue & Monique
Celebrating Excellence
Room 9 - Fluency Buddies
In Room 9 we have been learning our letter sounds. To help us learn, we practice with our "fluency buddy". We take turns at saying the letter sounds and if we get stuck, our buddy can help us. Our buddy also has to listen to make sure we say the right sounds. Our next step is to start reading words with our fluency buddies.

Good to Know
Order school lunches online fast with the myKindo app. Lunches can be ordered for same day delivery or in advance, simplifying busy morning. Delivered fresh to school in time for lunch

Book Day - Friday 21st March

We look forward to seeing all your favourite book characters come to life on Friday 21st March. Come dressed as your favourite character and celebrate a love of reading.
We encourage students to work with what they already have at home to design and make a creative costume rather than needing to go out and purchase anything new.
There will be a character parade under the hive starting at 9:15am, weather permitting. Parents are welcome to join us.
Sports News
Our Sports Leader students had an amazing time at the Physical Activity Leaders workshop at the Auckland Netball Centre! They learned valuable new skills, engaged in fun interactive activities, and enjoyed the opportunity to connect with students from other schools. It was fantastic to see their confidence grow as they developed their leadership abilities. A huge thank you to Sport Auckland for hosting such a dynamic and engaging event—we can't wait to put our new skills into action!

Kea Kids News Visit
The Year 4 students were lucky enough to attend a workshop hosted by Kea Kids News. Zach and Henry demonstrated how the microphone and camera worked and spoke about how you can make yourself seem confident even if you are feeling nervous. Some students had a turn interviewing each other in front of the camera and using the microphone to get a feel for what it is like to be a news presenter. Everyone had a great time and walked away feeling more confident about speaking in front of an audience and a camera

Family Picnic
Once again we saw a fantastic turn out for our start of year family picnic. It was wonderful to see so many new families taking the opportunity to meet teachers and others in the school community and enjoying a picnic dinner on a sunny evening. As always, the children were well entertained by the bouncy castles and inflatable obstacle course.
A big thank you to the PTA for all the work you put into selling sausages, pizzas, cold drinks, and ice blocks. For the first time we were able to offer halal sausages, which was much appreciated by many in the community.
Students, whānau and staff came together for our annual family picnic on a beautiful sunny evening. As always, the bouncy castles were a huge hit with big and little kids and the young at heart! It was wonderful to get the chance to speak with so many families and also to reconnect with older siblings who have moved on to new schools.
A big thank you to the PTA for organising the sausage sizzle, pizzas and drink sales. It was especially wonderful to see halal sausages being available for the first time.

From the Community